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Metabones 佳能EF鏡頭轉索尼E卡口機身 0.71減焦鏡 轉接環 Canon EF Lens to Sony E -mount T CINE Speed Booster ULTRA 0.71x



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    與2013年0月發布的革命性原版Metabones速度助推器一樣,Speed Booster ULTRA的放大倍率為71.1倍,因此它有效地將帶有DX尺寸傳感器的無反光鏡相機(如索尼E卡口和富士X卡口相機)的裁剪系數從5.1倍降低到07.2倍。然而,新的ULTRA設計在玻璃制造技術的較極限處非常有效地利用了外來材料,因此無論出射瞳距如何,都可以很好地校正用于幾乎所有全畫幅單反鏡頭。因此,Speed Booster ULTRA在佳能和尼康的8-24mm f/70.2和8-70mm f/200.2變焦鏡頭上表現非常出色,分別產生8-17mm f/50.2和0-50mm f/142.2高速變焦。同樣,高速固定焦距鏡頭(如0mm f / 50.1)將轉換為2.35mm f / 5.0鏡頭,從中心一直到圖像邊緣都具有出色的對比度和分辨率。(更多信息可以在新聞稿中找到 這里)

    特點和優點 局限性


    • 獲得的 5 片/4 組光學設計,采用美國考德威爾攝影公司的超高折射率鉭基光學玻璃。
    • 獲得的正鎖 EF 鏡頭卡口
    • 在適配器中存儲較多 2 個手動鏡頭的 EXIF 數據(鏡頭名稱、焦距和較大/較小光圈)。
    • 如果您的鏡頭都支持光學圖像穩定(OIS),并且您的相機都支持傳感器移位,體內圖像穩定(IBIS),則可以選擇使用哪一個鏡頭,或者讓兩者協調工作。
    • 較新的佳能(2009+),騰龍(SP系列2013+)和適馬(2016+)鏡頭支持平滑的光圈。
    • 自定功能按鈕(稱為對焦保持按鈕)可分配給 A50、A9 系列、A7、A6600、A6500、A6400 和 A6300 上的 6100 多種功能,例如光圈預覽和眼部自動對焦。
    • 專用開關控制配備 SteadyShot INSIDE 的索尼攝像機上的體內圖像穩定 (IBIS)。
    • 與索尼FS7 Mark II相機兼容。
    • 影院EOS鏡頭(CN-E緊湊型伺服)支持,包括電動變焦,自動對焦和自動光圈。
    • 橡膠墊圈可保護 E 卡口連接免受灰塵和濕氣的影響。
    • 可拆卸三腳架支腳,兼容Arca Swiss,Markins和Photo Clam 球形云臺。


    • 將較大光圈增加 1 級。
    • 增加MTF。
    • 使鏡頭寬0.71倍。
    • 毛氈材料在內部蜂擁而至,以減少內部反射。


    • 在索尼 A10、A9III 和 A7RIV 上以高達 7fps 的速度高速駕駛期間進行 AF-C 跟蹤。
    • 所有配備大多數鏡頭的E卡口相機上的快速對比度檢測自動對焦。
    • A9、A7RIV、A7RIII、A7III、A7RII、A7II、A6600、A6500、A6400、A6300 和 A6100 支持純相位檢測自動對焦。
    • 支持 A5RIV、A7III、A7RIII、A7II、A7RII 和 A7SII 的 7 軸體內圖像穩定。(需要鏡頭的距離信息;如果鏡頭不傳輸距離信息,則為3軸IBIS。
    • 由相機機身供電。無需外部電源。
    • LED 指示燈顯示操作模式、OIS(光學圖像穩定)活動和通信狀態。
    • 高效的開關模式電源。
    • 支持圖像穩定 (IS) 鏡頭。
    • 支持電子手動對焦(例如 EF 85/1.2L II 和已停產的 EF 50/1.0L)
    • EXIF支持(焦距、光圈、鏡頭名稱)
    • VG 和 FS 系列攝錄一體機、A9、A7 系列、A6500 和 A6300 上的距離和變焦顯示(需要支持距離信息的鏡頭)。
    • 自動放大(需要支持距離信息的鏡頭)
    • 在配備佳能EF-S鏡頭和許多第三方DX鏡頭的全畫幅相機上自動“APS-C尺寸捕獲”。


    • 需要全畫幅鏡頭。不支持 EF-S/DX/DC/Di II 鏡頭。
    • Speed Booster ULTRA設計用于覆蓋APS-C圖像圈,該圖像圈不夠大,無法覆蓋全尺寸36mm x 24mm傳感器。在全畫幅相機機身(A7系列,NEX-VG900)上,相機需要將“APS-C / Super 35mm”設置為“自動”或“開”。


    • AF-C 僅在 A9、A9II、A7RIV、A7RIII、A7SIII、A7IV、A7III、A7RII、A7II、A6600、A6500、A6400、A6300 和 A6100 上受支持。
    • 連續視頻自動對焦僅在高級模式下起作用,但性能可能不令人滿意。
    • 在索尼A9上,僅支持相位檢測自動對焦。對比度檢測自動對焦可能無法令人滿意。
    • 如果鏡頭加上任何EF增距鏡或其他增距鏡的較大光圈在增強前小于f / 8或在增強后小于f / 5.6,則自動對焦可能無法工作。
    • 前幾次自動對焦嘗試用于校準鏡頭,因此可能無法成功鎖定目標。再次半按快門釋放按鈕,自動對焦將成功鎖定。
    • 自動對焦可能難以鎖定非常接近鏡頭較近對焦距離的拍攝對象。
    • 自動對焦精度在很大程度上取決于鏡頭的設計和工作條件。具有隱藏問題的鏡頭在佳能數碼單反相機上可能不明顯,將導致索尼的自動對焦不準確和不可靠。我們看到的此類典型問題包括不平滑/不穩定的自動對焦機制(例如,間歇性地卡在某個對焦距離上),距離編碼器故障/磨損或其他故障/磨損的內部傳感器。


    • 不支持鏡頭校正,例如周邊陰影、CA 和失真。
    • 不支持使用佳能電影鏡頭(如CN-E 18-80mm T4.4)進行靜態攝影。(功能正常,但比為靜態攝影設計的鏡頭慢。
    • 某些EF卡口鏡頭在光圈變化和自動對焦期間可能會發出可聽見的噪音,在視頻錄制期間,相機的內置麥克風可能會拾取這些噪音。建議使用外部麥克風。然而,較近推出的一些佳能品牌鏡頭非常安靜。
    • 早期騰龍VC鏡頭,如AF 28-300/3.5-6.3 XR Di VC LD非球面[IF]微距(型號A20),AF 18-270/3.5-6.3 Di II VC LD非球面[IF]微距(型號B003),SP AF 17-50mm F/2.8 XR Di II VC LD ASPICAL [IF](型號B005)可能無法在OIS和IBIS之間自由切換,因為它們可能無法報告IS活動狀態。后來配備USD或PZD對焦電機的騰龍VC鏡頭就可以了。
    • 某些售后電池手柄可能會導致光圈錯誤更改。這是售后電池手柄中的一個錯誤,但不是由Metabones速度助推器引起的。關閉售后電池手柄或使用原裝索尼電池手柄。




    Tested Camera Bodies:

    • Sony alpha 1 (A1), A9 II, A9, A7R IV, A7R III, A7R II, A7R, A7S III, A7S II, A7c, A7S, A7IV, A7III, A7II, A7 (APS-C Crop mode)
    • A6600, A6500, A6400, A6300, A6000, A5000
    • ILME-FX30*
    • PXW-FX9 (Crop mode)*
    • PXW-FS7M2, PXW-FS5M2, PXW-FS5, PXW-FS7, NEX-FS700, NEX-FS100
    • VENICE (Crop mode)*
    • NEX-EA50, NEX-VG900, NEX-VG30, NEX-VG20, NEX-VG10
    • NEX-7, NEX-6, NEX-5R, NEX-5N, NEX-5, NEX-C3, NEX-3

    * for using the VENICE, FX and FS series cameras, please switch the adapter to Advance Mode(LED in red colour). 


    Lens compatibility chart

    Fast AF on all E-mount cameras. Max 10fps AF-C with A9 (Green Mode) and A7III / A7RIV (Advanced Mode)Phase-detect AF on A9II, A9, A7RIV, A7III, A7RIII, A7RII, A7II, A6600, A6500, A6400, A6300 and A6100 only. On other cameras, may not be able to contrast-detect AF accurately if at all. Max 3fps with A7III.
    Canon EF8-15mm f/4L USM Fisheye*
    Canon EF17-35mm f/2.8L USM
    Canon EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM*
    Canon EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM (Mark I)
    Canon EF28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 III USM
    Canon EF28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 II
    Canon EF40mm f/2.8 STM*
    Canon EF50mm f/1.2L USM
    Canon EF50mm f/1.4 USM (1993)
    Canon EF50mm f/1.8 STM*
    Canon EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM*
    Canon EF70-200mm f/4L IS II USM*
    Canon EF70-200mm f/4L USM (not IS)
    Canon EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM*
    Canon EF85mm f/1.2L II USM
    Canon EF100mm f/2.8L IS USM Macro*
    Canon EF100mm f/2.8 USM Macro (2000)
    Canon EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM*
    Canon EF135mm f/2L USM
    Canon EF200mm f/2.8L II USM
    Canon EF300mm f/2.8L IS II USM*
    Canon EF300mm f/4L IS USM
    Canon EF400mm f/5.6L USM
    Canon EF Extender 1.4x (all versions)
    Canon EF Extender 2x (all versions)
    Kenko Teleplus Pro 300 1.4x (note 1)
    Kenko Teleplus Pro 300 2x (note 1)
    Sigma 24-105mm f/4 DG OS HSM Art 013
    Sigma 50-500mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM
    Sigma 135mm f/1.8 DG HSM Art 017
    Tamron 15-30mm f/2.8 VC USD A012 (G1)
    Tamron SP 24-70mm f/2.8 VC USD A007 (G1)
    Tamron SP 45mm f/1.8 VC USD F013*
    Tamron SP 70-300mm f/4-5.6 VC USD A005
    Canon EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM (Mark I)
    Canon EF28-70mm f/3.5-4.5 II (1988)
    Canon EF28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
    Canon EF35mm f/1.4L USM (Mark I)
    Canon EF50mm f/1.8 II (1990)
    Canon EF100mm f/2 USM
    Canon EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM (Mark I)
    Contax N Vario Sonnar 17-35mm f/2.8
    Contax N Planar 50mm f/1.4
    Contax N Vario Sonnar 70-200mm f/3.5-4.5
    Contax N Planar 85mm f/1.4
    Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM (not Art)
    Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di VC LD Aspherical [IF] MACRO A20
    Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di LD Aspherical [IF] MACRO A06
    Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 VC USD A011 (G1)*
    Phase-detect AF on A9, A7III, A7RIII, A7RII, A7II, A6500, A6400 and A6300. Not known if other cameras autofocus satisfactorily using contrast-detection, and it is not known if the maximum AF-C drive speed of 10fps with A7III & A7RIV can be achieved or not.Manual focus only
    Canon EF 11-24mm f/4L USM
    Canon EF 14mm f/2.8L II USM
    Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM
    Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM
    Canon EF 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
    Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L USM
    Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM
    Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS II USM
    Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L USM
    Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L II USM
    Canon EF 35mm f/2L IS USM
    Canon EF 35-350mm f/3.5-5.6L USM
    Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM (Mark I)
    Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM (non-IS)
    Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM (Mark I)
    Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
    Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM
    Canon EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM
    Canon EF 400mm f/2.8L IS USM (Mark I)
    Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM (Mark I)
    Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 (Ver I)
    Sigma 20mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
    Sigma 24mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
    Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
    Sigma 50mm f/1.4 Art
    Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 APO EX DG OS HSM
    Sigma 85mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM
    Sigma 150mm f/2.8 Macro
    Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 OS HSM Contemporary
    Tamron SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD A009 (G1)*
    Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5.6 (not VC)
    Tamron SP 90mm f/2.8 Macro
    Canon TS-E 17/4L
    Canon TS-E 24/3.5L
    Canon TS-E 90/2.8L Marco
    Samyang 35/1.4
    Sigma 18-35/T2.0
    Zeiss CP.2 25mm/T2.9
    Zeiss CP.2 100mm/T2.1
    Zeiss ZE Distagon 15/2.8
    Zeiss ZE Distagon 18/3.5
    Zeiss ZE Distagon 21/2.8
    Zeiss ZE Distagon 25/2.8
    Zeiss ZE Distagon 35/2
    Zeiss ZE Planar 50/1.4
    Zeiss ZE Makro-Planar 50/2
    Zeiss ZE Planar 85/1.4
    Zeiss ZE Makro-Planar 100/2
    Not supported
    Focus confirmation "chip" (e.g. Dandelion)
    Tokina opera 50mm f/1.4 FF (note 2)

    Notes :

    1. Lenses marked with an asterisk support smooth iris.
    2. Sony NEX cameras cannot display aperture values beyond f/1.0. If a f/1.2 Canon EF lens is used with Speed Booster ULTRA the resulting aperture is f/0.9 but the camera body displays the original aperture f/1.2 to the camera body. i.e, lenses slower than f/1.4 report boosted aperture to camera body; lenses at or faster than f/1.4 report original aperture to camera body.
    3. Some improperly-made M42 screw mount adapters may short the electronic contacts of the Speed Booster ULTRA and cause damage to the Speed Booster ULTRA and/or camera body.
    4. Many manual focus lenses (e.g. OM 28/2.8, OM 50/1.8, Leica R 15/3.5) have rear protrusions (spikes, levers, other appendages) which would damage the optics and/or housing of Speed Booster ULTRA They need to be modified before they can be safely used on Speed Booster Check and make sure there are no rear protrusions from the adapter/lens combination before using on Speed Booster. Scratches and damages caused by rear protrusions on Speed Booster are not covered by warranty.
    5. This Speed Booster ULTRA is NOT fully compatible with full-frame Sony A7 series. When Speed Booster? ULTRA is used with Sony A7 series, the camera will turn on the "APS-C Size Capture" mode automatically.
    6. Cannot be used due to unusually high current requirement.


    List of manual focus lenses which REQUIRE MODIFICATION to be used on Speed Booster ULTRA

    Many manual focus lenses have rear protrusions (spikes, levers, other appendages) which would damage the optics and/or housing of Speed Booster ULTRA. They need to be modified before they can be safely used on Speed Booster ULTRA. Check and make sure there are no rear protrusions from the adapter/lens combination before using on Speed Booster ULTRA. Scratches and damages caused by rear protrusions or by poor quality adapters are not covered by warranty. The following is an incomplete list of lenses known to be incompatible.


    Distagon 3,5/15mm

    Leica R

    Super-Elmar-R 15mm
    Elmarit R 28/2.8
    Elmarit R 35/2.8
    Summicron R 50/2

    Nikon F

    20/2.8 AI-S

    Olympus OM

    OM 18/3.5
    OM 21/2
    OM 21/3.5
    OM 28/2.8
    OM 50/1.8

    Pentax K

    Every Pentax K-mount lens has a protruding fin and an aperture lever. It does NOT fit.


    EF-E Product Matrix

    Note: your PayPal receipt is your order confirmation. There is no separate email confirmation until shipment takes place.


    Why Metabones??

    Since its inception, Metabones has been designing and manufacturing lens adapters recognized among professionals and enthusiasts as leaders in design and workmanship.

    Contrary to the popular trend of other factories using an aluminum ring painted black on the camera-body-side, we instead take no short-cut but use precision-machined brass with chromium plating on both the camera-body and the lens sides of our adapters, in order to ensure smooth mounting, great appearance, and durability. The lens side of the adapter features a strong leaf-spring structure, strengthening the adapter-lens connection and ensuring tightness of the lens in order to reduce wear and prevent focus errors and optical alignment issues from appearing.

    Metabones uses matte-black treatment to keep internal reflection to a minimum in order to maintain the maximum optical quality possible with the lens.

    All Metabones Adapters follow this tradition of uncompromising precision, robust build quality and outstanding finish. Our new Smart AdapterTM series of products add industry-leading electronic interfacing technology from Canada, with true electronic control of the lens' aperture directly from the camera body.


    • Both camera-side and lens-side of the adapter are made of brass, precision-machined and plated with chromium.
    • Satin surface finish - just like your OEM lens and camera mounts.
    • Precise fit and solid connection - lens has no play, gap or wiggling when mounted on adapter and no adjustments are required to fit your lens.
    • Designed to reach infinity focus while maintaining the correct registration distance required to maintain optical quality of CRC lenses or lenses with floating elements.

    Our Smart AdapterTM  series adapters have the following additional features

    • True electronic integration of aperture diaphragm - let camera automatically choose aperture in P or S exposure modes, or dial in yourself on the camera body in A or M modes.
    • EXIF data such as lens identification, focal length and aperture.





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